Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001024Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2010-04-11 17:362012-02-26 10:39
Mr. Boh 
normalminorhave not tried
PCVista 64Ultimate SP 2
0001024: Elves continuously emptying and filling their pack animals at the trade depot
I had an elven caravan stop by at a trade depot about 14 z-levels down. I didn't trade with them, and after a while I got the message that they were leaving. About 5-10 minutes later I noticed that they hadn't left yet - they were filling their pack animals up and then dumping everything back out.

The status of the depot said that there were no merchants there, so I removed the depot, a bunch of stuff the elves brought was left behind, and they went on their way.
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related to 0003392confirmed Footkerchief Trade capacities are way too high 
Issue History
2010-04-11 17:36Mr. BohNew Issue
2010-04-20 14:11FootkerchiefNote Added: 0004380
2010-04-20 23:09derigoNote Added: 0004417
2012-02-26 10:39FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0003392

2010-04-20 14:11   
I got this too with the dwarven merchants, however after a save/load they immediately packed up normally and left.
2010-04-20 23:09   
This just sounds like http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=325 [^] to me. When the elves start bringing obscene amount of cargo, it simply takes them a ridiculous amount of time to load and unload all the goodies, even multiple seasons.