Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001057Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Healthcarepublic2010-04-12 13:502014-01-27 10:49
normalminorhave not tried
resolvedunable to reproduce 
0001057: wounded dwarf gets stuck with "recover wounded" job even after death
I had two dwarves wounded (actually more, but only these two matter). One of them had a "recover wounded" job assigned to him in the "jobs" menu, but on viewing him, he showed as "resting" - on the floor of the hospital, not in one of the beds. The other dwarf stayed where he was with "no job", even after his wounds healed up to yellow. The first dwarf eventually died because nobody gave him water, but the job list still shows that HE is the one to recover the other wounded dwarf (who by now could just get up and walk away probably), so no other dwarf will recover that particular wounded, nor does he even try to walk to a bed himself.
The dwarf that never got recovered was lying on a cage trap, but not being unconscious he didn't trigger it (if unconscious dwarves still trigger traps, not sure).
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child of 0000770resolved Footkerchief Resting dwarves tasked to recover wounded 
Issue History
2010-04-12 13:50SyndicNew Issue
2010-04-12 13:54FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000770
2010-05-18 02:50Shaggy FrogNote Added: 0006931
2014-01-27 10:49FootkerchiefNote Added: 0024391
2014-01-27 10:49FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-01-27 10:49FootkerchiefResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2014-01-27 10:49FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

Shaggy Frog   
2010-05-18 02:50   
I had this happen as well. A dwarf was assigned to recover a wounded solider but the dwarf died, and the soldier was forever stuck waiting for recovery. He eventually starved to death.
2014-01-27 10:49   
If you have a save that demonstrates this problem in the latest version, please upload it to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] and reopen this report (or PM me on the forums).