Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010657Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- AIpublic2018-03-22 07:362018-03-22 10:32
0010657: Prisoners with amnesia
https://imgur.com/nOXGva7 [^] <-- Dialog with an amnesiac prisoner

I sometimes find prisoners in random dwarven hillocks asking me to rescue them. When I do so and ask what happened they "don't remember". They then tell me, when I ask about our journey, that their mother or similar live in $someCity. But if I ask for direction to bringing them there they say "they don't know where $someCity is or anybody that could tell me"

Basically making it impossible for me to properly rescue them besides abandoning them in the woods.
Find some prisoner and interact with them. I haven't had a single prisoner without this "amnesia" so it shouldn't be that hard.
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duplicate of 0007226new  Prisoners with amnesia and no family. Can't be fully "rescued", won't leave party 
Issue History
2018-03-22 07:36MadrawnNew Issue
2018-03-22 10:32LociRelationship addedduplicate of 0007226
2018-03-22 10:32LociStatusnew => resolved
2018-03-22 10:32LociResolutionopen => duplicate
2018-03-22 10:32LociAssigned To => Loci

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