Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001982Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Constructions (walls etc)public2010-05-19 19:142010-07-25 14:30
0001982: Carving ice ramp sometimes creates two ramps in the same tile -- one of ice, and of the layer stone
Carving an ice ramp sometimes causes two ramps to form. Ramp 1, made of ice, can be removed [(d) (z)] to reveal a ramp made of the stone layer. This ramp can be removed [(d) (z)] to get the floor. (may be intentional)
1) Find Ice
2) Channel/Carve Ramp
3) (d) (z) on ramp
4) get new ramp
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child of 0001265new  Ramps covered with ice have no floors above, adventurer can "fly" over 
Issue History
2010-05-19 19:14sloshmongerNew Issue
2010-06-27 20:13FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0001265
2010-07-25 14:30FootkerchiefSummaryCarving Ramps/Channeling in Ice leaves double ramp => Carving ice ramp sometimes creates two ramps in the same tile -- one of ice, and of the layer stone

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