Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002161Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Kitchenpublic2010-06-04 17:392014-07-30 11:55
Shaggy Frog 
Toady One 
0002161: Render fat job gets queued at multiple kitchens for single stack of fat
A single stack of fat will result in Render fat jobs at every kitchen, which results in a continuous cycle of job cancellation/automatic job restart until the stack of fat is used up at one of the kitchens.
1. Have two kitchens.
2. Have a single stack of fat.
3. Set Auto kitchen workshop order.
Related to 0000347
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related to 0008169confirmed lethosor Automatic tanning only uses one tanner shop 
child of 0000808resolved Toady One Processing Raw Turtles only makes one shell per stack, and other stack size issues 
Issue History
2010-06-04 17:39Shaggy FrogNew Issue
2010-06-04 18:38FootkerchiefSummaryRender fat job duplication => Render fat job gets queued at multiple kitchens for single stack of fat
2010-06-04 18:38FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000347
2010-06-22 09:01FootkerchiefRelationship replacedchild of 0000347
2010-06-22 09:03FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000808
2010-06-22 09:03FootkerchiefRelationship deletedchild of 0000347
2014-07-15 20:12King MirNote Added: 0026585
2014-07-15 21:16fourpotatoesNote Added: 0026589
2014-07-19 20:43DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0007500
2014-07-20 16:25DwarfuRelationship deletedrelated to 0007500
2014-07-30 11:55Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2014-07-30 11:55Toady OneFixed in Version => Next Version
2014-07-30 11:55Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2014-07-30 11:55Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One
2014-08-26 17:30lethosorRelationship addedrelated to 0008169

King Mir   
2014-07-15 20:12   
I encountered this in 0.40.03.
2014-07-15 21:16   
Although the stack means you get more job cancellation spam, this could well be a broader issue with workshops that automatically queue jobs when materials are available. For example, I get jobs queued in all my (0.34.11; I haven't gotten a 0.40 fortress large enough yet) butchers' shops when I have a single corpse available. The same thing happens in modded workshops with that behavior, and I'm pretty sure I've seen it with looms.