Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002447Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cooking and Foodpublic2010-06-23 02:512010-06-23 06:09
0002447: dwarves only use liquids for cooking if they have no other choice
I created a stockpile only for dwarven syrup right next to the kitchen and another stockpile further away for all other cooking ingredients, hoping that this would lead my cook to grabbing a solid item to start the lavish meals, then use the syrup too. However, he grabbed ALL other cookable items before even considering the syrup that was right next to the kitchen. I then coaxed him into using the syrup (to make sure liquids aren't just outright forbidden from cooking) by forbidding all but one seed, allowing said seed to be cooked, and ordering another lavish meal - and it worked. So it seems to be just an issue of priorization.
create two food stockpiles, allow dwarven syrup in the one closer to the kitchen and other cookable food in the one further away. order lavish meals.
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duplicate of 0002393confirmed Footkerchief Cooks prefer to cook solid bases with solids, rather than solid bases with liquids, meaning liquids barely get used 
Issue History
2010-06-23 02:51SyndicNew Issue
2010-06-23 04:57MalicusNote Added: 0009004
2010-06-23 06:09FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009008
2010-06-23 06:09FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0002393
2010-06-23 06:09FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-06-23 06:09FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-06-23 06:09FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2010-06-23 04:57   
This is a duplicate of 0002393.
2010-06-23 06:09   
Thanks Malicus!