Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002501Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-06-28 12:362010-06-28 12:56
0002501: Wrestling/Fighter levels extremely fast
Wrestling/Fighter seems to level extremely fast when the combatant is injured by a creature it is fighting in Fortress Mode. This can happen even when the combatant is using weapons although I'm not sure what causes that. From what I can tell it seems to happen when the person is injured by the creature although I'm not 100% sure. It's easily reproducible with Ogres.
1. Embark in an evil biome
2. Assign a couple people to military as wrestlers with no armor.
3. Have them wrestle an ogre to death.
4. One of them should be a rather high wrestling/fighter skill. (Probally whichever wrestled it the most)
From what I can tell it seems to happen when the person is injured by the creature although I'm not 100% sure. It seems to be done frequently with ogres, I've yet to observe it with other creatures but an Ogre was readily available in this save http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=2595. [^] I was just using the two miners without any weapons equipped.

This save was using Genesis mod but should work if you drop it into a 31.08 folder anyway. I have reproduced it with weapons in Vanilla. I had a hammerdwarf kill two ogres and go legendary with wrestling/fighter but was still a dabbling hammerdwarf... He was injured as well during the fight.
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duplicate of 0000089resolved Toady One Wrestler/Fighter levels up way too quickly, especially against much bigger/stronger creatures 
Issue History
2010-06-28 12:36MotiggNew Issue
2010-06-28 12:56FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009263
2010-06-28 12:56FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0000089
2010-06-28 12:56FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-06-28 12:56FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-06-28 12:56FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2010-06-28 12:56   
See 0000089 and 0002020.