Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002530Dwarf FortressCave-inspublic2010-06-30 18:362010-08-26 03:48
0002530: Cave-ins leave ramps
I dug out a mountain above-ground and caved it in. Everything went fine (the whole thing lost a level) but the ramps were left at the original z-level and are now floating in space. I dug out the ramps on the bottom level of the mountain before I knocked out the bottom level, so maybe that is what did it.
Find a free-standing mountain above-ground, remove the ramps on that level, dig out the entire bottom z-level while leaving the mountain standing on a single support. Attach the support to a lever, pull the lever.
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duplicate of 0001547confirmed Footkerchief Cave-ins can leave hanging down ramps in air 
Issue History
2010-06-30 18:36CardinalNew Issue
2010-06-30 18:45smjjamesNote Added: 0009434
2010-07-01 17:23Logical2uNote Added: 0009481
2010-07-01 17:23Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0001547
2010-07-01 17:23Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-01 17:23Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-07-01 17:23Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u
2010-08-26 03:48eltrovIssue Monitored: eltrov

2010-06-30 18:45   
Its an old bug from 40D where if you collapse a large chunk of mountain, or anything with ramps attatched, it will leave ghost ramps in the air.
2010-07-01 17:23   
Bring the discussion over to 0001547, please!