Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002539Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Cages and Chainspublic2010-07-01 20:112010-07-01 20:43
normalminorhave not tried
Windows Vista HomeSP2
0002539: Equipment from creatures burned in cages appear at place of cage trap.
I heard about this also in the forum but could not find it again there or here, so if this is already reported, please forgive me.
When a creature (in my experience, goblins and human siegers) are caught in a cage trap (perhaps then stored in animal stockpile), then the cages get burned (such as by magma), the equipment that the creature was in possession of at the time of capture gets teleported to the location of the original cage trap. In my case, items were first stripped (' d:b:c ' over them, then ' d:b:d ' over them, then individually remove the dump designation from each cage; after the equipment is put into the garbage zone it is then reclaimed and put into appropriate stockpiles). The burning resulted in items being removed from bins in stockpiles.
Capture a hostile creature who is equipped in a cage trap made of wood. Store creature in a stockpile and strip it (not sure if this step is necessary). Pour magma on cage resulting in burned cage and dead creature. Check original trap location.
Not sure why, but all the equipment was marked as forbidden and dump tagged, though this may be a result of the stripping process.
No tags attached.
related to 0003083new  Invader dies in cage, items disappear? 
Issue History
2010-07-01 20:11bungleroNew Issue
2010-07-01 20:30FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009491
2010-07-01 20:43bungleroNote Added: 0009494
2010-08-22 00:02FootkerchiefRelationship addedparent of 0003083
2010-08-22 00:02FootkerchiefRelationship replacedrelated to 0003083

2010-07-01 20:30   
Yeah, it's an old one:

# 000178 □ [dwarf mode][items] (http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=8690.0 [^]) when cage traps are consumed by lava, the corpses of the dead go to capture location
2010-07-01 20:43   
Ah! ok thanks. Is there a way to tag this as a duplicate or tie it to the existing bug, or is that even necessary?