Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002541Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Stockpilespublic2010-07-02 03:332010-08-10 00:13
0002541: Ammunition stockpiles: "Other Materials" in settings show nothing, can't Permit or Forbid
Trying to set up different stockpiles for my bone and metal bolts, I noticed that the Other Materials section of the Stockpile Settings screen has nothing on it.

Highlighting it and pressing F or P to Forbid or Permit does not change it. It still does appear to have some effect, because Block and Allow can be used to enable or disable it, and it does indeed appear to have an effect on what sort of bolts go in that stockpile. (Either that, or the fact that one had the metal category enabled and the other didn't was what did it.)

I imagine it's probably WIP, but I thought I'd report it here just in case it's an oversight.
Create an ammo stockpile.
Go into its Settings and attempt to forbid or permit the Other Materials category.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0001989resolved Toady One In stockpile settings, forbidding subcategories leaves some items highlighted 
Issue History
2010-07-02 03:33ChickenLipsNew Issue
2010-07-02 07:30FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009515
2010-07-02 07:30FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-02 11:39ChickenLipsNote Added: 0009533
2010-07-02 11:43DwarfuNote Added: 0009534
2010-07-02 11:44DwarfuIssue Monitored: Dwarfu
2010-07-02 11:46ChickenLipsNote Edited: 0009533bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0009533#r3677
2010-07-02 12:17FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009536
2010-07-02 12:17FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0001989
2010-07-02 12:17FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-02 12:17FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-07-02 12:17FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2010-07-02 14:10DwarfuIssue End Monitor: Dwarfu
2010-08-10 00:13DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE

2010-07-02 07:30   
It still does appear to have some effect, because Block and Allow can be used to enable or disable it, and it does indeed appear to have an effect on what sort of bolts go in that stockpile.

What effect does it have?
2010-07-02 11:39   
(edited on: 2010-07-02 11:46)
In (seemingly) allowing or disallowing bolts of other materials into the stockpile.

(EDIT: Fixed mistake "allowing or permitting.")

2010-07-02 11:43   
2010-07-02 12:17   
Thanks Dwarfu. I'm going to retitle your report to try to make it more searchable.