Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002655Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-07-12 10:262014-01-27 20:33
0002655: Military dwarfs assigned to kill order never reach combat due to thirst
When a squad assigned to kill an invader reaches my surface level they turn around and head back with the blue thirsty arrow flashing. Each dwarf IS equipt with a flask and there is a well and adequate alcohol supplies. To reach the surface from my fort the dwarfs have to cross in excess of 500squares, however i have created a shorter route and they still turn around once they reach the surface.
I have seen this behavior in multiple forts when i have asked my military dorfs to cover considerable ground to their target.
Civilian dwarfs have no problems reaching the surface, and getting killed.
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related to 0000481acknowledged Toady One Kill/attack commands/orders don't work 
Issue History
2010-07-12 10:26de5me7New Issue
2010-07-12 10:43FootkerchiefNote Added: 0010044
2010-07-13 14:17de5me7Note Added: 0010172
2010-07-13 15:09AravinSNote Added: 0010175
2010-07-13 15:11AravinSNote Edited: 0010175bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0010175#r3947
2010-07-16 12:03de5me7Note Added: 0010442
2010-11-11 11:00Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2014-01-27 20:33FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000481

2010-07-12 10:43   
Are they confined to a burrow? If that doesn't explain it, it would be helpful to upload a save demonstrating the problem. http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^]
2010-07-13 14:17   
they are not confined to any burrow, il upload this fort at the weekend
2010-07-13 15:09   
(edited on: 2010-07-13 15:11)
Try to assign barracks near the surface. It's better to have two squads - one near surface to face ambushers and defend caravans, and the second near living quarters and workshops etc - in case of emergency (forgotten beasts, thieves, kobolds).

And soldiers DO drink from their flasks when aren't active (station or kill order). For example when they are doing ind. drill.

Yeah, the best solution is to make barracks near surface. They will be always (70% of their time) in barracks. Also, try to set booze and food stockpiles in barracks too. And dining rooms.

P.S. I do think, that it's stupid when professional soldiers disobey commands just because they got thirsty, hungry or sleepy. Real soldier should go to the end and not whining about little hunger. It's not like they are starving :-/

2010-07-16 12:03   
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=2705 [^]

alreet heres the save plus another description

yeh building a new baracks at the surface may do the trick. Il give it a shot