Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002686Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2010-07-13 20:052012-06-04 14:51
Toady One 
0002686: Consistent crash on reclaim
A crash on reclaim everytime. Reproduced several times.
Create a fort then abandon it. Try to Reclaim, results in crash.
64-bit OS, reclaim
related to 0002422new Footkerchief Crash on reclaim: Extra Item Occupancy 
has duplicate 0002716resolved Footkerchief Reclaim Impossible 
has duplicate 0002753resolved Footkerchief crash on reclaim (save attached) 
child of 0000863resolved Toady One Items that are tasked when fortress is abandoned are still tasked (invisibly) on reclaim, and other reclaim oddities 
Issue History
2010-07-13 20:05s20danNew Issue
2010-07-13 20:09s20danTag Attached: 64-bit OS
2010-07-13 20:09s20danTag Attached: reclaim
2010-07-13 20:14s20danNote Added: 0010191
2010-07-13 20:27FootkerchiefNote Added: 0010192
2010-07-13 20:27FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-14 22:11priosNote Added: 0010303
2010-07-14 22:14priosIssue Monitored: prios
2010-07-14 22:25s20danNote Added: 0010307
2010-07-14 22:25s20danNote Edited: 0010307bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0010307#r4002
2010-07-14 22:27s20danNote Edited: 0010307bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0010307#r4003
2010-07-15 07:09FootkerchiefNote Added: 0010339
2010-07-15 10:57priosNote Added: 0010359
2010-07-15 21:35FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-15 21:36FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002422
2010-07-15 21:36FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002716
2010-07-15 21:39cnordskogNote Added: 0010405
2010-07-15 22:03cnordskogIssue Monitored: cnordskog
2010-07-16 02:06julespNote Added: 0010411
2010-07-16 11:05evilgenius21Note Added: 0010437
2010-07-16 20:33OzoneGrifNote Added: 0010467
2010-07-17 10:24huinNote Added: 0010502
2010-07-17 10:46eatatreeNote Added: 0010503
2010-07-17 10:48TotakuNote Added: 0010504
2010-07-18 07:08kaiNote Added: 0010558
2010-07-18 07:08kaiIssue Monitored: kai
2010-07-18 13:35FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0002753
2010-07-18 20:54s20danNote Added: 0010611
2010-07-20 10:46MichilusNote Added: 0010725
2010-07-20 11:07cbpyeNote Added: 0010728
2010-07-20 11:42WarpCrowIssue Monitored: WarpCrow
2010-07-20 12:02FootkerchiefSticky IssueNo => Yes
2010-07-20 12:02FootkerchiefSummaryCrash on Reclaim => Consistent crash on reclaim
2010-07-20 12:07FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000863
2010-07-20 12:14FootkerchiefIssue Monitored: Toady One
2010-07-20 18:38eatatreeIssue Monitored: eatatree
2010-07-20 22:00gawwyNote Added: 0010768
2010-07-21 08:14Toady OneNote Added: 0010780
2010-07-21 08:14Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-21 08:14Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.31.11
2010-07-21 08:14Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2010-07-21 08:14Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One
2010-07-22 13:34FootkerchiefSticky IssueYes => No
2010-08-06 05:48priosIssue End Monitor: prios
2012-06-04 14:51eatatreeIssue End Monitor: eatatree

2010-07-13 20:14   
Nothing in the error.log
2010-07-13 20:27   
Did you install the game in Program Files?
2010-07-14 22:11   
I have this same problem in Windows XP using both 31.10 SDL and 31.10 legacy: crash with no error.log entries. It isn't new to 31.10; I've never been able to reclaim a fort in DF2010 without crashing.
I haven't installed the game in Program Files, and I'm not sure exactly how I'd do that properly; DF doesn't come with an installer. I always just run it from one of my hard drive partitions in its own folder. Am I supposed to put it in Program Files? I don't like putting games on my C:\ partition if I can help it.
2010-07-14 22:25   
(edited on: 2010-07-14 22:27)
Game is installed on a seperate hard drive where all my games go. Last time I tried a reclaim it was working, although that was several versions ago.

2010-07-15 07:09   
If you're both using 64-bit, you may be experiencing 0002017. Try turning off COMPRESSED_SAVES in init.txt.
2010-07-15 10:57   
I'm not using 64-bit, but I tried turning off COMPRESSED_SAVES, creating a new world, embarking, abandoning, and then reclaiming.
No dice. Crashed as always.
I'm using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600. I can try sending save files, further system information, or the contents of Windows' crash report if that might help.
2010-07-15 21:39   
Have the same problem running a vista 32 bit system, Running df from its own folder.
2010-07-16 02:06   
I have the same problem in Windows 7
2010-07-16 11:05   
Yah, I've got the problem on Windows XP too
2010-07-16 20:33   
I have the same problem on Windows 7, 64 bits.
The world was created with the v08 version, worked fine on v10 until I abandonned my fortress, then I was not able to reclaim it : crash.
2010-07-17 10:24   
I'm having this trouble on 32 bit Linux as well.
2010-07-17 10:46   
This is happening to me as well. Linux, Ubuntu 10.4 (64-bit).
2010-07-17 10:48   
I'm getting the same problem as well, I am unable to reclaim, and I'm using a mac with a PC game to run the PC SDL version (because it seems to just run faster than the mac version, don't ask me why)
2010-07-18 07:08   
Also getting this, vista 32 bit.
2010-07-18 20:54   
Turning off compressed saves still results in a crash even after creating a new world.
2010-07-20 10:46   
Same here, tested on Windows 7, Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and Wine, all 32 bit.
Command line on Ubuntu reports a segfault.
2010-07-20 11:07   
Same problem here: any attempt to reclaim (31.10) results in a segfault.
Running 64 bit Slackware Linux.
2010-07-20 22:00   
been getting this also in win 7 64 bit
Toady One   
2010-07-21 08:14   
This one is fixed up for 0.31.11.