Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002850Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Healthcarepublic2010-07-26 01:142011-04-08 15:20
normalminorhave not tried
0002850: Soldier with slight injuries refuses to be treated
A soldier received several injuries to a hand, he was in "Extreme pain" so he was placed into the hospital, evaluated and cleaned. Then, when the doctor tried to do surgery, the patient woke up and went to a training, surgery was cancelled with "Patient not resting". Recently after a fight (I think he didn't receive any additional injuries; he didn't receive "Diagnosis required" status) the soldier went to "Rest" to the hospital, the doctor tried the surgery again, the patient woke up and went to a training again, with "Patient not resting". So I think his wounds can't be treated at all? I have traction benches btw, but they were not used. The game was started in 0.31.11 and migrated to 0.31.12.
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related to 0002709new  cancels Place in Traction: Patient not resting. 
Issue History
2010-07-26 01:14wRARNew Issue
2010-07-26 01:30wRARNote Added: 0011059
2010-12-23 10:16FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002709
2011-04-08 15:20danarisNote Added: 0017212

2010-07-26 01:30   
Now the soldier "Rest"s in the hospital again, so I think he doesn't "Sleep" but always "Rest"s.
2011-04-08 15:20   
I have a soldier with a fractured right lung who insists on going about his duties all day long, in .25...