Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002951Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Sleepingpublic2010-08-04 20:492010-08-04 21:31
Windows 7 64 Bit
0002951: Dwarves will sleep in any bed, even when a room is assigned to them.
The summary pretty much, well, sums it up. At first I thought this was only with free beds and just forbade beds that wern't in use, (including the ones in the hospital) but then I saw a dwarf sleep in a noble's bedroom just because it's closer!
It's an epidemic in my fort: half of everyone has "slept without a proper room recently"! I haven't tried starting a new fort and seeing if the problem's there as well. This bug is something easily overlooked, I only found it because there were dwarves sleeping in the hospital who weren't wounded, and I had personally assigned each dwarf his own room.
This fort was started in 0.31.10, but I've had no issues resulting from the updates (with the possible exception of this one, of course).
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duplicate of 0000034resolved Toady One Assigned rooms not respected 
Issue History
2010-08-04 20:49ArkenstoneNew Issue
2010-08-04 21:31FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0000034
2010-08-04 21:31FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-08-04 21:31FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-08-04 21:31FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

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