Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002976Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Invasionspublic2010-08-07 15:162013-09-23 09:30
normalminorhave not tried
0002976: Goblin siege spawns on wrong side of river
Goblins tried to invade from a part of the map with no possible path to the otherwise unfortified Dwarf Fortress.

There had previously been a bridge across the river, but this was destroyed long ago by a disgrunted fisherdwarf, and there was still some wood and stuff strewn about on the other side--which, I suppose, might have factored into their pathfinding.
The melee-only invaders eventually fled in the face of the crossbowdwarves and siege operators setting up on the fortress-side of the river.
No tags attached.
related to 0002332new  Goblin invaders not attacking open fortress on opposite side of map 
related to 0003121new  Goblin invaders spawn inside fortress 
related to 0003032resolved Footkerchief migrants arriving in unaccessible area 
Issue History
2010-08-07 15:16mister_a_guyNew Issue
2010-08-14 02:57Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2010-08-14 19:59DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0003032
2012-04-05 01:15KogutNote Added: 0022106
2012-04-06 07:36FootkerchiefNote Added: 0022126
2012-04-06 07:36FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2012-04-06 07:58FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002332
2012-04-06 08:07FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0003121
2012-04-06 13:32krenshalaNote Added: 0022135
2013-09-23 09:30FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE

2012-04-05 01:15   
In 34.07 place for spawning siege is still completely random.
2012-04-06 07:36   
Invaders should be more capable of crossing rivers now. Are they?
2012-04-06 13:32   
I'd add this to 3032, but thats resolved.

In addition to invaders arriving on the wrong side of the river, I have seen migrants show up that way as well. When that happens I've had to quickly build a bridge for them to join the rest of my dwarves in the fortress. In one case I was lucky enough that a woodworker migrated with an axe and I told him to cut some trees, assigned architecture and had him design and build a wooden bridge. On other occasions I had to wait for someone in the fortress to find the time (or stop going on break long enough) to build the necessary bridge.