Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003101Dwarf FortressMap Featurespublic2010-08-24 22:102012-03-06 09:20
0003101: Square pit all the way down
This site has two square pits that go from the surface all the way down to HFS, with random water tiles in midair (before you unpause; attached image shows one at the surface, with the other visible in the upper left). I've had maps before that had random square regions that were weird near that lowest level (dfreveal-ed). The last site I tried exposed HFS immediately upon arrival, even though no path was visible to it (different region). This site also has a volcano in the lower left extreme, but only on the top few levels on the map, not straight down the the magma see as usual. I'll upload the save (right after embark, left paused) tomorrow (large upload on bad connection).
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0005077resolved Toady One Browsing world gen map causes corrupted feature files 
Issue History
2010-08-24 22:10jaxad0127New Issue
2010-08-24 22:12jaxad0127Note Added: 0012071
2010-08-25 05:01Logical2uNote Added: 0012076
2010-08-25 05:01Logical2uTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-26 12:44jaxad0127Note Added: 0012095
2010-10-12 14:01asagiIssue Monitored: asagi
2011-07-02 07:36DwarfuNote Added: 0018124
2011-07-02 07:36DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-07-02 07:37DwarfuRelationship addedchild of 0002713
2011-08-18 05:29Knight OtuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004840
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefNote Added: 0021176
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0005077
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefRelationship deletedchild of 0002713
2012-03-06 09:21FootkerchiefRelationship deletedhas duplicate 0004840

2010-08-24 22:12   
Or, no way to attach, linking to screenshot: https://sites.google.com/site/jaxad0127/square_pit.png?attredirects=0 [^] . By the way, those red tile in the square are the exposed tiles of glowing pits (only marked as such on the lowest level).
2010-08-25 05:01   
You'll need to upload your world generation parameters and your embark location for this report.
2010-08-26 12:44   
I don't have the worldgen parameters anymore, and the save seems corrupted, so I can't get my embark. Compressed save anyways: http://www.fileswap.com/share/870b974b8cba53f97e44517adb43c755/save.7z.html [^] .
2011-07-02 07:36   
I had this happen on a new world in 31.25.

Straight down to z-110, through the caverns, through the magma sea, piercing hell with demons exposed and screams when unpaused. There was a blank open space on z-107.

There is also a slade mountain to about z+20 or so.

You can see the magma glow from untold heights - I went to z+1300 and stopped.

No crash, though horrifyingly slow at times. It cleared the magma portion of the open space in a diagonal pattern until it was properly displayed as the blue open space.

Image at embark: http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac11/Mondoshawan/exposedpit.png [^]

z-107 odd blank open space (with magma above and below): http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac11/Mondoshawan/exposedpit2.png [^]

Save with world gen parameters: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4611 [^]
2012-03-06 09:20   
That's that good ole fashioned save corruption like we used to know.