Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003356Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Embark/Setuppublic2010-10-02 16:342012-03-06 09:20
normalmajorunable to reproduce
0003356: Embarked on a mountain of Slade, with Eerie Pits immediately revealed.
I just embarked my fortress "Swordmurders", and saw this issue. Hell was revealed, and there were suspended pools of magma and water floating in mid-air. The lag makes it a bit unplayable ATM because *I believe* the entire magma sea is draining into the eerie pits. This happened in the latest version, no modding, and if you want to see it I can pass you the save. In the meantime, I'll play on another map to preserve this case.
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duplicate of 0005077resolved Toady One Browsing world gen map causes corrupted feature files 
Issue History
2010-10-02 16:34RysticNew Issue
2010-10-02 18:04DarthCloakedDwarfNote Added: 0013157
2010-10-02 18:46Logical2uNote Added: 0013158
2010-10-04 13:54ZifnabNote Added: 0013196
2010-10-04 13:54ZifnabNote Edited: 0013196bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0013196#r5108
2010-10-04 13:57ZifnabNote Edited: 0013196bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0013196#r5109
2010-10-05 13:07ZifnabNote Added: 0013213
2010-10-05 13:25ZifnabNote Added: 0013214
2010-10-05 21:41ZifnabNote Edited: 0013214bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0013214#r5119
2010-10-14 08:38Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2010-12-05 15:40FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0002713
2010-12-11 11:59VideospiritNote Added: 0014534
2011-05-31 01:44watchfulmantisIssue Monitored: watchfulmantis
2012-03-06 09:12FootkerchiefNote Added: 0021175
2012-03-06 09:12FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0005077
2012-03-06 09:12FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-06 09:12FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-03-06 09:12FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2012-03-06 09:20FootkerchiefRelationship deletedchild of 0002713

2010-10-02 18:04   
That's awesome. Can you upload the save to DFFD so the bug team can look at it?
2010-10-02 18:46   
Actually it'll be better if you can give us the world seed and the embark location.
2010-10-04 13:54   
(edited on: 2010-10-04 13:57)
I got this as well with 0.31.16.

[IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2088fac.png[/IMG] [^]

Created in DF v0.31.16.


2010-10-05 13:07   
And I got something which appears to be related at a site in this world. Instead of all rock and soil being missing and hell being exposed, a huge amount of rock, soil, and water collapses on embark from the sky. Once again with a square edge to the oddity.

Created in DF v0.31.16.

2010-10-05 13:25   
(edited on: 2010-10-05 21:41)
and another access to hell. same world as where the earth falls from the sky.

[IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/1roja1.png[/IMG] [^]

If anyone is interested I can upload a save game.

2010-12-11 11:59   
Interestingly enough, I have this same issue with a site that's causing me to experience the bug listed as the parent of this one, albeit without the crashes.

I did move the embark zone so I was not on top of the pit first, but the pit is one square away on the same region in the embark screen and my first attempt to embark was right on top of it. The entire area is part of a cave and if I attempt to embark on the cave entrance the game crashes. I still have a clean copy of the world but the world gen parameters won't help you since my game is lightly modified. I could upload it and a screen shot of the embark area if you wish.
2012-03-06 09:12   
In the absence of a save, we'll chalk this up to 0005077.