Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003469Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-10-25 08:512014-07-06 21:00
0003469: Military orders are uninterruptable
If a military dwarf receives an order to move to a particular location, the dwarf will ignore all subsequent orders until the specified position is reached.

In one case, a squad of soldiers was patrolling outdoors while waiting for a caravan to arrive, but a siege showed up instead, so they were stationed indoors; however, one dwarf was still on his way to patrol duty at the time (after gathering provisions) and proceeded against orders to walk all the way out to the patrol point before finally turning around to return inside, by which point the invaders had caught up and he was violently killed.
Create a squad, station it on one side of the map, wait a brief moment, then station it on the other side of the map.
Back in and earlier, changing a dwarf's station/patrol settings took effect immediately.

There also seems to be another issue with ex-military dwarves milling around at their previous station location instead of returning to a safe meeting area.
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related to 0000481acknowledged Toady One Kill/attack commands/orders don't work 
Issue History
2010-10-25 08:51QuietustNew Issue
2010-10-25 08:54QuietustNote Added: 0013508
2014-07-04 17:52QuietustNote Added: 0024873
2014-07-06 20:59FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000481
2014-07-06 21:00FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-07-06 21:00FootkerchiefStatusnew => acknowledged
2018-04-16 10:51HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2010-10-25 08:54   
(that should be "uninterruptible" in the summary)
2014-07-04 17:52   
The core issue behind this behavior is that military orders are seemingly accomplished by setting the dwarf's idle position and letting the dwarf automatically head to that location, and giving another order does not clear the dwarf's path (and force them to immediately repath to their desired destination).

For the record, this is still a problem in version 0.34.11.