Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003471Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-10-25 10:002012-02-16 15:00
0003471: Military dwarves claim new rations instead of retrieving previously dropped ones
If a military dwarf drops his backpack for any reason (for example, if moved from one squad to another), any rations will be dropped on the floor. When the dwarf next decides to get provisions, new food will be collected from the food stockpiles while leaving the old food lying on the floor to rot (or just sit there indefinitely, for some reason).

This is a fairly longstanding bug - it frequently happened in (and earlier) when sparring wrestlers would tear off their opponents' backpacks; if the dwarves were subsequently deactivated, they would occasionally store their food in their quarters (sometimes in a coffer, where it would remain indefinitely).
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related to 0001608new  Insane dwarf lays claim on all foodstuff, probably trying to get rations 
related to 0002486resolved Toady One Soldiers don't eat from backpacks while on duty 
has duplicate 0001017resolved Dwarfu Dwarves leave food in their rooms 
Issue History
2010-10-25 10:00QuietustNew Issue
2010-10-26 16:34QuietustNote Added: 0013527
2010-11-11 10:57Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2010-11-16 13:19FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001608
2011-07-31 05:03DwarfuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0001017
2012-01-09 13:17KumquatNote Added: 0019333
2012-01-09 15:21FootkerchiefIssue Monitored: Kumquat
2012-01-09 15:21FootkerchiefNote Added: 0019336
2012-02-16 15:00FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0002486
2012-02-16 16:21FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005198
2012-02-16 16:21FootkerchiefRelationship deletedrelated to 0005198

2010-10-26 16:34   
This behavior, combined with the inability of insane dwarves to pick up items, is probably what's responsible for 0001608.
2012-01-09 13:17   
Another occurrence: military dwarf became mayor, dropped his backpack, and then claimed a whole lot of food.

This included all brewable food items in the fort which now are unstacked after reclaiming things with dfhack cleanowned.
2012-01-09 15:21   
Reminder sent to: Kumquat

If anyone has a save for this, it would be helpful to upload it to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] and post the link here.