Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004130Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2011-03-06 05:582011-03-08 05:12
Toady One 
0004130: Digging/mining (in soil?) causes crash on non-Windows systems
A few minutes from embarking, after designating some tree-cutting and mining, the construction of 10 beds, and appointing a dwarf to handle management, the game crashes. This is reproducible every time I've tried.

The save includes the entire data folder, in case it's one of the settings files modifications that is the culprit - I've changed announcements.txt, d_init.txt and init.txt.

The save file is here: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3906 [^]
1. Load save.
2. Wait a minute or so.
No tags attached.
related to 0004129resolved Toady One Talking/conversation in Adv. Mode causes crash 
related to 0004013assigned Toady One Areas of plain "grass" in caverns 
has duplicate 0004126resolved Footkerchief Game crashes every time within a minute of embarking 
has duplicate 0004143resolved Footkerchief Seg fault shortly after embark 
has duplicate 0004160resolved Footkerchief Segmentation Fault During Dwarf Mode 
Issue History
2011-03-06 05:58AbuDhabiNew Issue
2011-03-06 07:16InfiltratorIssue Monitored: Infiltrator
2011-03-06 07:52dree12Note Added: 0015801
2011-03-06 08:55AbuDhabiNote Added: 0015804
2011-03-06 08:55AbuDhabiNote Edited: 0015804bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015804#r5935
2011-03-06 08:58AbuDhabiNote Edited: 0015804bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015804#r5936
2011-03-06 09:00AbuDhabiNote Edited: 0015804bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015804#r5937
2011-03-06 09:21FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0004126
2011-03-06 09:22matakukaNote Added: 0015805
2011-03-06 09:41AbuDhabiNote Added: 0015812
2011-03-06 09:42huinNote Added: 0015813
2011-03-06 09:45huinNote Edited: 0015813bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015813#r5939
2011-03-06 09:47FootkerchiefRelationship replacedhas duplicate 0004126
2011-03-06 09:47AbuDhabiNote Edited: 0015812bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015812#r5941
2011-03-06 09:47FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0004129
2011-03-06 09:47huinNote Edited: 0015813bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015813#r5942
2011-03-06 09:48FootkerchiefSummaryDwarf Mode crashes within a couple of minutes of embark => Digging/mining (in soil?) causes the game to crash
2011-03-06 09:48FootkerchiefSummaryDigging/mining (in soil?) causes the game to crash => Digging/mining (in soil?) causes crash
2011-03-06 09:49Knight OtuNote Added: 0015815
2011-03-06 09:52AbuDhabiNote Added: 0015816
2011-03-06 09:53huinNote Added: 0015817
2011-03-06 10:06huinNote Edited: 0015817bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015817#r5946
2011-03-06 10:21FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004143
2011-03-06 10:24FootkerchiefCategoryTechnical -- General => Miscellaneous Crashes
2011-03-06 10:31matakukaNote Edited: 0015805bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015805#r5948
2011-03-06 10:45PsieyeNote Added: 0015822
2011-03-06 11:00matakukaNote Added: 0015825
2011-03-06 11:26matakukaNote Edited: 0015825bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015825#r5950
2011-03-06 11:44greycatNote Added: 0015830
2011-03-06 11:44matakukaNote Edited: 0015825bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015825#r5953
2011-03-06 11:45greycatNote Edited: 0015830bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015830#r5955
2011-03-06 12:09FootkerchiefSummaryDigging/mining (in soil?) causes crash => Digging/mining (in soil?) causes crash on non-Windows systems
2011-03-06 12:48AbuDhabiNote Added: 0015835
2011-03-06 14:12Knight OtuNote Added: 0015852
2011-03-06 14:27FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0015817bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015817#r5962
2011-03-06 14:47Knight OtuNote Added: 0015853
2011-03-06 15:01FootkerchiefNote Added: 0015854
2011-03-06 15:08Knight OtuNote Added: 0015857
2011-03-06 15:24Knight OtuNote Edited: 0015857bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015857#r5966
2011-03-06 15:26FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0004013
2011-03-06 15:34huinIssue Monitored: huin
2011-03-06 15:47PathologikNote Added: 0015865
2011-03-06 16:04PathologikNote Edited: 0015865bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0015865#r5971
2011-03-06 18:59Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-06 18:59Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.31.21
2011-03-06 18:59Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2011-03-06 18:59Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One
2011-03-06 20:06huinIssue End Monitor: huin
2011-03-07 23:35FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004160
2011-03-08 05:12InfiltratorIssue End Monitor: Infiltrator

2011-03-06 07:52   
Duplicate of 0004126?
2011-03-06 08:55   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 09:00)
I get the following output in console (using VBO output):

Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Sound devices available:
PulseAudio Software
ALSA Software
PortAudio Software
Picking PulseAudio Software. If your desired device was missing, make sure you have the appropriate 32-bit libraries installed. If you wanted a different device, configure ~/.openalrc appropriately.
Perfect OpenAL context attributes GET
Loading bindings from data/init/interface.txt
Resetting textures
Dwarf_Fortress: ../../src/xcb_io.c:183: process_responses: Assertion `!(req && current_request && !(((long) (req->sequence) - (long) (current_request)) <= 0))' failed.


Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Sound devices available:
PulseAudio Software
ALSA Software
PortAudio Software
Picking PulseAudio Software. If your desired device was missing, make sure you have the appropriate 32-bit libraries installed. If you wanted a different device, configure ~/.openalrc appropriately.
Perfect OpenAL context attributes GET
Loading bindings from data/init/interface.txt
Resetting textures
Segmentation fault


Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Sound devices available:
PulseAudio Software
ALSA Software
PortAudio Software
Picking PulseAudio Software. If your desired device was missing, make sure you have the appropriate 32-bit libraries installed. If you wanted a different device, configure ~/.openalrc appropriately.
Perfect OpenAL context attributes GET
Loading bindings from data/init/interface.txt
Resetting textures
Dwarf_Fortress: ../../src/xcb_io.c:183: process_responses: Assertion `!(req && current_request && !(((long) (req->sequence) - (long) (current_request)) <= 0))' failed.


Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Sound devices available:
PulseAudio Software
ALSA Software
PortAudio Software
Picking PulseAudio Software. If your desired device was missing, make sure you have the appropriate 32-bit libraries installed. If you wanted a different device, configure ~/.openalrc appropriately.
Perfect OpenAL context attributes GET
Loading bindings from data/init/interface.txt
New window size: 1280x640
Font size: 16x16
Resizing grid to 80x40
Resizing font to 16x16

Resetting textures
Resizing font to 16x16
Resizing font to 16x16
Resizing font to 16x16
Segmentation fault

2011-03-06 09:22   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 10:31)
Could it be related to mining? I get crashes only after starting to mine. Without any mining at all, the game runs fine for at least a game month.
Mining in clay, crash after 30 to 60 tiles, without stairs/ramps (different world)

2011-03-06 09:41   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 09:47)
Also mining in clay here.

EDIT: I have attempted to mine in loam instead. Same result.

2011-03-06 09:42   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 09:47)
I'm getting a crash very soon after embark, also. Ubuntu Linux (Lucid). This is using a fresh vanilla install of DF v0.31.20 with no modifications.

Edit: I let an embark run for almost an in-game month with no problem (took no action, just let things run). Then started mining into a hill of black sand, after maybe >30 tiles of mining a crash occurred.

Edit: Also, I'm running on x86_64, not 32 bit, in case that has any bearing.

Knight Otu   
2011-03-06 09:49   
Yeah, it seems to be related to soil mining. Apparently the regrow changes seem to have broken something?
2011-03-06 09:52   
Could it be that the game crashes when the game tries to place grass on the newly mined out area, and fails?
2011-03-06 09:53   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 14:27)
I grabbed a core dump from a crash, and got a backtrack from each thread (although no idea how much use this is given stripped symbols)

http://pastebin.com/SCsw7fdJ [^]

2011-03-06 10:45   
It doesn't happen in all games. I've started a fort where I've mined out huge swaths of soil and I don't get any crash. Is it platform specific? I'm on Win7.
2011-03-06 11:00   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 11:44)
Further testing:
Digging out only 10 tiles --> crash
Digging out only stairs (grass has nowhere to grow)--> crash
inmediately building wooden floor on dug out tiles --> no crash.

Doing same things with same save in window version (via wine) --> NO crash

2011-03-06 11:44   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 11:45)
Well, the good news is that this appears to be highly reproducible.

The bad news is that it's highly reproducible (meaning it's elfin' near impossible to play).

Here's another core dump backtrace, this time after I tried very hard to avoid digging any soil:

Core was generated by `./libs/Dwarf_Fortress'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x089de069 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x089de069 in ?? ()
0000001 0x08a0ab05 in ?? ()
0000002 0x08a32728 in ?? ()
0000003 0x08249bb3 in ?? ()
0000004 0x0825f93c in ?? ()
0000005 0xb731f43e in interfacest::loop() ()
   from /usr/local/src/df_linux/libs/libgraphics.so
0000006 0x08451fef in mainloop() ()
0000007 0xb72fcfdc in enablerst::async_loop() ()
   from /usr/local/src/df_linux/libs/libgraphics.so
0000008 0xb72fd38d in call_loop(void*) ()
   from /usr/local/src/df_linux/libs/libgraphics.so
0000009 0xb76e685e in ?? () from /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
0000010 0xb77330bd in ?? () from /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
0000011 0xb704f955 in start_thread () from /lib/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
0000012 0xb712ee7e in clone () from /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
(gdb) quit

2011-03-06 12:48   
Channeling through clay, so that is exposed to air from above, doesn't seem to cause a crash - at least in the way I did it (channeled out some rocks, got left with clay loam tiles).
Knight Otu   
2011-03-06 14:12   
Hm, I got a crash on an embark where I'm sure I didn't dig through soil - I specifically looked for a soil/clayless embark, and took one with just one tile of soil. Unfortunately, I have no save for that, so I'll look into this further.
Knight Otu   
2011-03-06 14:47   
Found the embark region again, and tested it - the crash occurs even when I do nothing at all. The save is uploaded at http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3911 [^] . It may be something different in this case, and since it is a modded game, it may be something I did, though I tend to doubt it.
2011-03-06 15:01   
Knight Otu, what OS are you using?
Knight Otu   
2011-03-06 15:08   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 15:24)
Ah, yeah, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, should have mentioned that when the first report came in that it may be system-specific.

Anyway, I did some more testing. And, giving my dwarves speed 1 to dig down before the crash occurs, I've found generic grass in the third (I think) cavern layer, as per the report you've recently reopened. I wonder if that may be related to this crash? I'll download the save for that game and test it.

Edit: Ech, can't handle the rar compression correctly. I'll try to remember to unrar it tomorrow on Windows, then try out the save.

2011-03-06 15:47   
(edited on: 2011-03-06 16:04)
Unable to reproduce Knight Otu's crash after no activity, have confirmed that results of mining AND channeling can cause crash.

However, crash did not occur during mining, but rather, about 30 seconds afterwards. Ramps had been designated for removal, miners were en route, and crash occurred.

Also experimented with trampling grass, to observe if regrow would cause crash. No crash occurred despite valid growing surfaces exposed from trampling, though.

So, crash will occur regardless of whether exposed surface is viable for regrowth, and regardless of whether it is above ground or subterranean. Crash can occur at any point after soil has been mined, regardless of if tile is presently being mined.

Using Phoebus' graphics, but I don't think this is causing any issue, considering the crash on a vanilla install.

EDIT: Huh. Repeated channeling, and it didn't crash. Grass is regrowing just fine on the slopes. But, began to dig horizontally, and crash occurred within 30 tiles or so. Then dug horizontal tunnel, designated no additional digging and took no further action, and crash occurred within 30 seconds.

Proceeded to channel horizontal tunnel and remove ramps, leaving it outside, light, and above ground... No crash, grass growing. Then extended tunnel 4 tiles underground, leaving it inside, dark, and subterranean. Crash occurred within 30 seconds. So, seems to be an issue with underground tiles, for me. If the issue is regrow, maybe it isn't interacting well with underground tiles?

Ubuntu 10.10, kernel 2.6.35-27-generic-pae