Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004286Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Eating/Drinkingpublic2011-03-21 08:212014-01-21 18:14
0004286: Removing a well makes water undrinkable even if it was drinkable before the well was built
A well is a valid water source only for Drink, not for Give Water or for Fill Pond. Also, removing a well makes that square no longer a valid water source for anything, even if, before the construction of the well, it was a valid water source for all purposes, and the only thing that's changed is the construction and removal of the well.
1. Near an undrinkable pond, create a minimal water tank consisting of a constructed floor, 7 constructed walls, and the business end of a screw pump. Of course, the other end of the pump must be next to, and facing towards, the pond.
2. Build a ramp so that dwarves can walk on top of the wall.
3. Operate the pump to fill the tank.
4. Notice that you can place a valid Water Source zone over the water in the tank.
5. Build a well on top of the tank.
6. Deconstruct the well.
7. Notice that the top of the tank is no longer a valid water source.
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duplicate of 0001007new  Wells become unusable after being used for anything other than drinking 
Issue History
2011-03-21 08:21GreenSpinachNew Issue
2011-03-21 08:25Logical2uRelationship addedrelated to 0001007
2011-04-04 04:20GreenSpinachNote Added: 0017046
2014-01-21 18:14FootkerchiefRelationship replacedduplicate of 0001007
2014-01-21 18:14FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-01-21 18:14FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-01-21 18:14FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2011-04-04 04:20   
Actually it's a lot worse than that. Water source zones and wells that used to be valid become invalid for NO REASON AT ALL. This has happened to me at least 5 times, and each time, the only thing that's changed is I drew a few bucketfuls/drinks of water from the well or water source, then pumped more water into the cistern. The cistern always consists entirely of constructed walls and floors.