Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004877Dwarf FortressCombat -- Generalpublic2011-09-03 14:392015-03-02 14:12
0004877: Breaking the upper spine of a creature with a targetable neck doesn't cause symptoms of spinal cord injury
Breaking the upper spine (neck's spine) of a creature with a targettable neck (such as a giraffe that has body type QUADRUPED_NECK) won't cause paralysis and all other wonders.

Modding "normal" upper spines to use CON_CAT instead of CONTYPE (like the targettable neck does), still allows for paralysis and assorted wonders of anatomy.
1. Create a creature with a targettable neck in the arena (like a giraffe)
2. Create an opposing creature with sufficient strength.
3. Pound the neck until it breaks.
4. "It's just a flesh wound!", the creature with the snapped neck will spring to their feet and attack you.
No tags attached.
related to 0003645new  Adventurer broke lower spine, suffered no ill effect. 
has duplicate 0004984resolved Knight Otu NECK_SPINE nervous tissue damage not disabling ability to stand 
has duplicate 0008085resolved Footkerchief Nervous tissue does not injure correctly. 
has duplicate 0008277resolved Footkerchief Tearing nervous tissue does nothing 
Issue History
2011-09-03 14:39squishynoobNew Issue
2011-12-17 14:42Knight OtuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004984
2011-12-17 14:53LycaeonNote Added: 0019188
2011-12-20 08:38FootkerchiefSummaryBreaking the upper spine of a creature with a targettable neck doesn't work => Breaking the upper spine of a creature with a targetable neck doesn't cause symptoms of spinal cord injury
2012-05-14 09:24FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0004874
2012-05-14 09:25FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0003645
2012-05-14 09:26FootkerchiefRelationship deletedrelated to 0004874
2014-08-20 06:18FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008085
2014-09-11 18:40FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0008277
2014-09-11 18:40FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-09-11 18:40FootkerchiefStatusnew => confirmed
2014-09-12 08:24smjjamesNote Added: 0030136
2015-03-02 14:12chaosvoltNote Added: 0032311
2015-03-02 14:50chaosvoltNote Edited: 0032311bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0032311#r12969

2011-12-17 14:53   
It seems that only spinal columns attached to the HEAD, UPPERBODY, or LOWERBODY result in some form of STANCE paralysis when broken, whereas spines attached to anything else only disable GRASP bodyparts.
2014-09-12 08:24   
Not to mention that the pulping system causes some strangeness with nervous tissue.
2015-03-02 14:12   
(edited on: 2015-03-02 14:50)
Can confirm it still occurs in DF2014.

EDIT: Curiously, while I've yet to see normal spinal damage affect anything, modding the upper spine by adding the [JOINT] tag does have its expected effect when snapping the neck.