Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005708Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshoppublic2012-03-26 03:202015-12-26 10:56
Knight Otu 
WindowsWindows VistaVista
0005708: Spinning thread with any size stack of wool produces only one yarn
At the farmers workshop, when you spin thread you will always get only one yarn even if you have a large or small stack of wool. I used alpaca wool with stack sizes of, 6,6,7,and 2 and received only one yarn each time.
At a farmers workshop shear some creatures. Then spin some thread. After your spinner grabs some wool and takes it to the workshop hit t and hover over the workshop. Take note of the stack size of the wool. To see how many yarn you get, wait for your spinner to finish the task and check the inventory of whoever comes by to haul the yarn away, or hit t and check the workshops inventory before the wool is hauled away.
Using phoebus graphics pack.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0004616resolved Toady One Spinning stacks of wool only produces a single yarn thread 
Issue History
2012-03-26 03:20AndrakonNew Issue
2012-03-26 03:30KogutNote Added: 0021733
2012-03-26 03:36AndrakonNote Added: 0021734
2012-03-26 03:37AndrakonTag Attached: Duplicate
2012-03-26 03:55KogutNote Added: 0021735
2012-03-26 03:55KogutNote Edited: 0021735bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021735#r8105
2012-03-26 05:21Knight OtuNote Added: 0021736
2012-03-26 05:21Knight OtuRelationship addedduplicate of 0004616
2012-03-26 05:21Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-26 05:21Knight OtuResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-03-26 05:21Knight OtuAssigned To => Knight Otu
2015-12-26 10:56lethosorTag Detached: Duplicate

2012-03-26 03:30   
duplicate of 0004616: Spinning stacks of wool only produces a single yarn thread
2012-03-26 03:36   
ahh oops, I searched but that one didn't come up
2012-03-26 03:55   
It may be better to use < something site:http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt [^] > search on google, search provided by Matis is *gets thumped by the Family Friendliness Duck*

Knight Otu   
2012-03-26 05:21   
Regarding search, it comes up with a search for 'spin thread yarn' for me. You may have some filters set from previous searches that remove results - Pressing the Reset Filter button before searching should help with that.