Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005761Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Diplomacypublic2012-04-03 06:562015-02-18 03:34
resolvedunable to reproduce 
PCWindowsXP Pro 32bit
0005761: Diplomat wants to leave map at the spot he enters, goes insane if the path to that point is blocked
I have a little part of the map edge sealed off with drawbridges and walls to allow the caravan to enter my fort without walking across the whole ambush-infested map. The human diplomat however spawns somewhere far from the caravan, and after I open the outside door he proceeds to enter my fortress and have his chat with my mayor. Meanwhile, I close the door he entered through to avoid goblins coming in too, trade with the caravan. Caravan leaves through its exit without any problems... but the diplomat keeps running around inside until he goes crazy. Seems like he tries to exit at the point he spawned and ONLY there, even if no path to that point is possible but another part of the map edge is easily reachable.
wait for the diplomat to spawn and walk into the fortress, then make the point where he spawned inaccessable but keep other points of the map edge accessable. Watch diplomat go crazy.
Later diplomats showed the same behavior, but if I open the door again they leave. Through the point where they came from, even if other map edges are closer.
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Issue History
2012-04-03 06:56SyndicNew Issue
2014-03-29 21:38DwarfuNote Added: 0024645
2014-03-29 21:38DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu
2014-03-29 21:38DwarfuStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-12-09 04:28SyndicNote Added: 0031299
2014-12-09 04:28SyndicStatusneeds feedback => assigned
2015-02-18 03:34DwarfuNote Added: 0032246
2015-02-18 03:34DwarfuStatusassigned => resolved
2015-02-18 03:34DwarfuResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2014-03-29 21:38   
A save showing this behavior would be appreciated.
2014-12-09 04:28   
In the current version, the diplomats leave through my designated exit without issues so it might be fixed... or I might just be lucky. I'd say close this for now and if I ever notice it again I'll post again with a save?
2015-02-18 03:34   
I don't remember reading anything specific that would have affected this, so I'm just going to mark it unable to reproduce. Thanks for the follow-up. If you are able to reproduce it in a version 40.24+, please reopen this report or contact a manager on the forums.