Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0006239Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designationspublic2012-11-05 08:082012-11-07 05:48
0006239: Dwarves occasionally stand on the tile they are channeling, causing them to fall
Dwarves occasionally stand on the tile they are channeling, causing them to fall. Due to this fact, there is no safe way to channel above drops, water, or magma.

Possibly related to issue 0005991 in which dwarves stand on the tile where they attempt to build a wall, causing the job to suspend repeatedly.

I've lost seven or eight dwarves in this fort to the phenomenon. It is much more common if there are multiple miners, as they channel tiles out from under each other. However, it will still rarely occur with only a single miner removing his own tile.
Reproducing this event takes a while, as it only happens occasionally. Here is how I discovered it:

Dig out a large square one z-level above magma. Designate a single line of tiles to be channeled along the far wall from your entrance to the square. Repeatedly channel lines until you see a puff of smoke. This has been a miner falling into magma.


O = Dug-out square with 2-tile entrance
V = Tiles designated for channeling. Repeat this designation lower and lower until miners fall.
Possibly related to issue 0005991 in which dwarves stand on the tile where they attempt to build a wall, causing the job to suspend repeatedly.
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duplicate of 0005877confirmed Toady One Miners channel tile they're standing on, resulting combat report is malformed 
Issue History
2012-11-05 08:08MyrmecNew Issue
2012-11-05 15:17DrazinonondaNote Added: 0023705
2012-11-06 16:02Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0005877
2012-11-07 05:48Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2012-11-07 05:48Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-11-07 05:48Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u

2012-11-05 15:17   
Easier way to reproduce: channel out a large square. Miners will often stand on one tile, mine the eight around them, then mine under themselves. I don't do much channeling over open space, but in my experience this happens 4-10% of the time when channeling out multi-level rooms, ditches/moats, etc.