Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007069Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Environmentpublic2014-07-11 11:112014-07-11 11:19
0007069: causing cave-ins injures nearby dwarves (with magma?)
Causing an intentional cave in, from a "safe" spot still allows the dwarf to be injured.
My dwarf got injured by an impact (I'm unaware from what, but has to take into account the cave-in). He was also got hit by a cloud of clay loam (which i was digging), and a cloud of boiling magma.
I don't think that the last was expected.
mine a 3 by 3 by 3 block and cause it to cave in with the dwarf cutting the last tile not standing on the falling tiles.
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duplicate of 0001638resolved Toady One Dust from a cave-in referred to as "boiling magma" 
duplicate of 0002166resolved Footkerchief Cave-in dust causes direct injury to dwarves 
Issue History
2014-07-11 11:11raledonNew Issue
2014-07-11 11:18FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0001638
2014-07-11 11:19FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0002166
2014-07-11 11:19FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-07-11 11:19FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-07-11 11:19FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

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