Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0000730Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-04-07 12:012011-03-19 20:04
Toady One 
0000730: Injured dwarf never carried to hospital
My militia commander was injured during a goblin "visit" several years ago. He claimed a bed (not in the barracks) and has remained there ever since. No medical aid was ever rendered for his detached leg, and he's done nothing but suffer so far.

His leg remains outside my entrance, as a warning perhaps?
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duplicate of 0000681resolved Toady One Legless/footless dwarfs are ignored by healthcare 
Issue History
2010-04-07 12:01RochndilNew Issue
2010-04-07 12:13FootkerchiefRelationship addedchild of 0000681
2010-04-07 12:14FootkerchiefNote Added: 0001819
2010-04-07 17:24RochndilNote Added: 0001893
2010-06-22 18:10FootkerchiefRelationship addedparent of 0002437
2010-06-22 18:16FootkerchiefRelationship deletedparent of 0002437
2010-06-30 17:21Khym ChanurIssue Monitored: Khym Chanur
2011-03-13 05:35Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-13 05:35Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.31.22
2011-03-13 05:35Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2011-03-13 05:35Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One
2011-03-13 17:38FootkerchiefResolutionfixed => duplicate
2011-03-13 17:41FootkerchiefRelationship replacedduplicate of 0000681
2011-03-19 20:04Khym ChanurIssue End Monitor: Khym Chanur

2010-04-07 12:14   
Did he crawl to the hospital bed on his own, or just lie where he fell?
2010-04-07 17:24   
Nope, for some weird reason someone carried him to a bed (not his) and he's been there since, unconscious.