Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0008699Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Mechanismspublic2015-01-05 11:382015-01-05 12:08
Knight Otu 
normalminorhave not tried
0008699: +steel table+ not accepted for Traction Bench construction
When trying to make a Traction Bench I am told ~~~ cancels construct Traction Bench: Needs table
I have a +steel table+ that is not forbidden, marked to dump, marked to melt, or tasked for another job. If I select 'b'uild + 't'able it shows up available to place.
I have not yet tested it with other tables (wooden, stone).
Save file and additional test results to follow.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0005912confirmed Toady One Workshops with linked stockpile(s) will only look in those stockpiles for materials/reagents 
Issue History
2015-01-05 11:38ptb_ptbNew Issue
2015-01-05 11:40ptb_ptbNote Added: 0031709
2015-01-05 11:43ptb_ptbNote Edited: 0031709bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0031709#r12680
2015-01-05 12:08Knight OtuNote Added: 0031710
2015-01-05 12:08Knight OtuRelationship addedduplicate of 0005912
2015-01-05 12:08Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2015-01-05 12:08Knight OtuResolutionopen => duplicate
2015-01-05 12:08Knight OtuAssigned To => Knight Otu

2015-01-05 11:40   
(edited on: 2015-01-05 11:43)
WHOOPS! My mistake. Please close "Not a bug". I forgot that I had a stone stockpile linked to the mechanics workshop. Sorry.

Knight Otu   
2015-01-05 12:08   
That'll be 0005912, then.