Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008968Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Stockpilespublic2015-05-22 07:542018-07-29 11:26
Intel Core i5-2430M (64-bit)Windows x64Windows 7
0008968: After loading save, gorlak pieces previously exposed to fire breath catch fire in refuse pile
Recently I had a couple fire-breathing forgotten beasts come through my first cavern layer. In order to bait the second one within reach of my archers, I chucked a caged gorlak into the caverns near the archers's fortification. The plan worked; the gorlak died a painful fiery death, followed by a painful pincushion-y death on the part of the FB.

After the FB died, I opened up the caverns to my dwarves again. It appears they moved the gorlak's bits up into my refuse pile. This wasn't a big deal until after I loaded my save today, after which the gorlak bits and arms and stuff immediately caught fire and set the surface ablaze.

I have a save zipped up, will upload it somewhere shortly.
1) Load affected save
2) Press F1 to zoom to surface
3) Move north a bit to refuse pile
4) Unpause, watch the world catch fire
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child of 0010765confirmed Loci Upon reload, various severed parts of cavern critters spontaneously catch fire 
Issue History
2015-05-22 07:54dorseyNew Issue
2015-05-22 08:01dorseyNote Added: 0032709
2015-05-22 08:01dorseyIssue Monitored: dorsey
2015-05-22 08:41XolrocNote Added: 0032711
2015-05-22 09:30dorseyNote Added: 0032712
2015-05-24 17:58DetrosNote Added: 0032719
2016-03-09 15:05ButtonNote Added: 0034819
2018-05-23 14:21LociRelationship addedrelated to 0010765
2018-07-29 11:22LociRelationship replacedchild of 0010765
2018-07-29 11:26LociSummaryAfter loading save, gorlak pieces in refuse pile catch fire => After loading save, gorlak pieces previously exposed to fire breath catch fire in refuse pile

2015-05-22 08:01   
Save uploaded at http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=10879 [^]
2015-05-22 08:41   
Not a fix, but you could probably work around this by loading the affected save with temperature turned off. That would at least let you continue the world (just destroy the gorlak bits or put them somewhere fireproof before turning temperature back on).
2015-05-22 09:30   
I managed to continue by using dfhack to spawn a bunch of water over the affected gorlak bits. Didn't think about turning temperature off, thanks.
2015-05-24 17:58   
I think I have already read about this issue somewhere but am now unable to find it again.
2016-03-09 15:05   
It was mine! 0006432.