Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0009061Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Petspublic2015-09-01 10:592016-07-12 23:35
0009061: Sharing squares with animals makes dwarves climb trees
I was wondering why I kept having to cut my most valuable dwarves out of trees, when I discovered that they were climbing trees to avoid sharing a square with one of their assigned war dogs. Dwarves will move to avoid sharing a square with an animal, but if they are surrounded by other animals and there is a nearby tree, they will choose the one square that does not already have an animal in it, which is the one straight up.
The easiest way to replicate is to assign about a dozen dogs to a dwarf with no skill in woodcutting, then enable woodcutting and send the dwarf out to clear-cut a heavily wooded area. Since inexperienced woodcutters take a while to fell each tree, sooner or later the dwarf will be crowded by animals and then one will step into the same square, and the dwarf will evade the dog by climbing the tree.
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related to 0003371new  Non-fliers end up on top of walls (swapped positions with flying pets etc?) 
related to 0009252resolved Toady One Dwarves get stuck in trees 
Issue History
2015-09-01 10:59DarisNew Issue
2015-09-02 10:44lethosorSummarySharing squares with animals makes dwaves climb trees => Sharing squares with animals makes dwarves climb trees
2015-09-02 10:45lethosorRelationship addedrelated to 0003371
2015-09-02 15:16LociNote Added: 0033032
2015-09-06 13:30DarisNote Added: 0033040
2016-07-12 23:35LociRelationship addedrelated to 0009252

2015-09-02 15:16   
I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. Are you sure you hadn't assigned any war-trained *flying* creatures (or flying pets) to the dwarf?
2015-09-06 13:30   
Only war dogs.