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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010505Dwarf FortressLegends Mode -- Historical Figurespublic2018-01-06 12:122018-01-06 13:13
Assigned ToLoci 
PlatformLinuxOSOS Version
Product Version0.44.03 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0010505: Titans, FBs, deities assume identities during play
DescriptionMust all be legendary persuaders.

In one save a human goddess fooled a dwarf civilization into thinking she was a goblin mercenary. This was on a fortress mode save.

In the other, a forest titan and two forgotten beasts have assumed identities and posed as humans and other much smaller creatures than themselves for information gathering. This was on an adventure mode save.
Steps To ReproduceIt seems to happen while actually playing, in both fortress and adventure mode. I've never seen it happen during worldgen after generating a number of worlds.
Additional InformationThere are two saves in the zip: [^]

In deity, "Ube the Uncle of Gerbils", a human goddess, has assumed an identity as a goblin to fool a dwarf civ. There is some editing of the raws in this one but only for animal people, cats, and goblins from what I can remember.

In megabeast, "Ospaz Clearingboars" the forest titan and the forgotten beasts "Lomife Graveskulls the Death of Splashing" and "Soakedseals the Unholy Crab" have all assumed identities as humans or other sapients. No editing of raws, I used dfhack a bit in adventure mode for creating items and changing stats though.
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships
duplicate of 0010452resolvedToady One DF can lose track of the links between fake and real identities after end of worldgen 

-  Notes
Huntthetroll (reporter)
2018-01-06 13:05

This may be an instance of bug 0010452
Loci (manager)
2018-01-06 13:13

Yes, I imagine this has the same root cause as dead creatures assuming identities (0010452).

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-01-06 12:12 kneaugh New Issue
2018-01-06 13:05 Huntthetroll Note Added: 0037525
2018-01-06 13:13 Loci Note Added: 0037527
2018-01-06 13:13 Loci Relationship added duplicate of 0010452
2018-01-06 13:13 Loci Status new => resolved
2018-01-06 13:13 Loci Resolution open => duplicate
2018-01-06 13:13 Loci Assigned To => Loci

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