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View Revisions: Issue #6042 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0006042: Military dwarves leave burrow to grab equipment
Revision 2012-06-21 06:08 by Footkerchief
Steps To Reproduce I haven't tested this (yet) but I assume this would reliably reproduce it:

1. set civilian burrows so they are in safe areas (behind defenses), and activate it in the alerts menu
2. dump some equipment and bolts you want your dwarves to wear outside the safe burrow. unforbid and undump this equipment once it is outside your burrow.
3. forbid all other equipment matching the stuff from step 2
4. assign some squads with uniforms matching the equipment from step 2
5. wait and watch them go wander off to get it

Perhaps it only happens combined with some other bug, such as 0006041
Revision 2012-06-20 13:28 by Footkerchief
Steps To Reproduce I haven't tested this (yet) but I assume this would reliably reproduce it:

1. set civilian burrows so they are in safe areas (behind defenses), and activate it in the alerts menu
2. dump some equipment and bolts you want your dwarves to wear outside the safe burrow. unforbid and undump this equipment once it is outside your burrow.
3. forbid all other equipment matching the stuff from 0000002
4. assign some squads with uniforms matching the equipment from 0000002
5. wait and watch them go wander off to get it

Perhaps it only happens combined with some other bug, such as ttp:// [^]

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