Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002771Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Activity Zonespublic2010-07-20 02:072010-07-20 04:35
0002771: Activity Zone Flow Placement Crash
When designating activity zones with the flow setting, hitting escape to cancel the zone while it is being placed (i.e. flashing and expandable) causes a crash to desktop. Removing the zone works normally as does placing the zone.

The standard rectangular zone placement works fine and I encountered no issues whatsoever with it.
Assuming normal key settings:

Press "i" to set up an activity zone as usual, press enter to place it and then toggle it from rectangular to flow setting by pressing "e" (the order of the steps doesn't matter as long as you end up having a flow-style zone to designate).

From there, hit escape to cancel the zone (before placing it, while still resizing it) and it will produce the crash.

I discovered this on a previous mature fort in its hospital, tested it there a couple of times and then tested it again on both my current mature fort's hospital and random locations independent of the former hospital zone. Both had similar populations and similar other features. The first two worlds were standard medium islands and the last was a pocket region (for speed purposes).

I then tested it on a brand new embark in a completely different world and it produced the same crash. If this has been noted elsewhere, please let me know, but I haven't found this particular issue listed.

I rated this a minor issue because it is mildly annoying if you don't save frequently but doesn't directly interfere with any functionality beyond cancelling the zone immediately (as opposed to having to remove it after placing it)
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duplicate of 0001119resolved Toady One When Designating a Zone through Flow or Floor Flow, crashes when attempting to cancel using ESC key. 
Issue History
2010-07-20 02:07VercingetorixNew Issue
2010-07-20 02:07VercingetorixIssue Monitored: Vercingetorix
2010-07-20 02:08VercingetorixNote Added: 0010702
2010-07-20 02:13VercingetorixNote Edited: 0010702bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0010702#r4165
2010-07-20 02:48DwarfuNote Added: 0010703
2010-07-20 04:35Logical2uNote Added: 0010707
2010-07-20 04:35Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0001119
2010-07-20 04:35Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-20 04:35Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-07-20 04:35Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u

2010-07-20 02:08   
(edited on: 2010-07-20 02:13)
I can also provide a save if need be, but it seems to be imitable on any world at any time based on what I've discovered so far. I can provide other information as well; assuming this issue hasn't already been reported, I'll test it out on some other computers as well as Vista to see if it's also happening on them.

2010-07-20 02:48   
2010-07-20 04:35   
Thanks for the report, but we already know about this crash. Please see 0001119.